Това отново е коледен миньон, но този път с моята малка сестра Лиан, която също е фен на LizisHandmadeFactory и мой редовен "клиент" ... това момиче определено има запаси от мои творения, повярвате ми! :D Какъв по-голям кеф от това членовете на семейството да са едновременно твое семейство, приятели и ценители?!
Ако някои от вас също "работи" извънредно за радост на своето семейство може да ни сподели по долу или на страницата ни във facebook!
Безплатни дизайнерски модели за плетене на една кука/ Поръчка на ръчно изработени играчки Амигуруми :)
Monday, 24 November 2014
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Коледният миньон и малката Алекс
Дори булдозите обичат плетки! А, плетените торти са истинска сензация.
Това е говорящото куче (дълга история) на близък приятел от Израел. А, това е плетената muppet торта, която направих за рождения ден на сестра си. От опит да ви кажа - няма по-голяма сензация от плетена торта за рожден ден, хихи ... беше истинска радост за околните и най-вече за рожденичката. Ако не вярвате вижте следващата снимка:
Дам, червеното създание вдясно също е мое дело. Отново подарък по поръчка, вдъхновен от Monsters, Inc. Е, ако някой желае да зарадва свой приятел с подобен подарък, тук е правилното място - I'm the man!
Saturday, 22 November 2014
За мен и моя блог (вече и на български!)
Здравейте, приятели! :)
на снимката сме - аз и плетеният миньон, направен по поръчка за малката Алекс |
Моето име е Елиза и моето хоби е да правя неща с ръцете си. Ето защо името на моя блог е Фабриката за хендмейд (ръчно изработване) на Лизи (Lizi'sHandmadeFactory). Да, когато хобито ти се превърне в една малка мания и ти се превръщаш във фабрика! :)
В началото блогът беше ориентиран към англоговорящите ни приятели и целта му беше да публикувам как протича процесът на плетене. Идеята беше - хора (като мен по онова време) да се учат и плетат заедно с мен.
Моята мания започна именно така - гледах репортаж по телевизията, в който една майка разказваше как изработва "кукли със сърца" за своята дъщеря, поставяйки камъчета, които дъщеря й събира, вътре във всяка кукла. Стори ми се изключително сантиментално и реших да потърся повече информация за такива кукли в интернет.
За моя изненада не намерих нищо на български, затова започнах да търся на английски. Представа си нямах как да го формулирам дори на английски. Но случайно попаднах на клипче, в което жена снимаше стъпка по стъпка как изработва кукла. Куклата беше Coraline - главен персонаж от рисуван филм, който аз много обичах:
Coraline със своята mini me
Най-общо: Coraline се мести със семейството си (което няма време за нея) в нова къща, в която започват да се случват странни неща. Там тя среща кукла, която изглежда точно като нея, но с очи от копчета и я нарича mini me (малката мен). По-късно Coraline намира портал към един перфектен свят, огледален на нашия, в който родителите й правят всичко за нея. Единственото условие е тя да пришие копчета, вместо очите си и ще остане там завинаги... Ок, темата тук не е този филм. Разказах ви го, защото това ме вдъхнови да изплета първата си амигируми кукла:
Нямах дори игла за плетене на една кука ... просто взех каквато имаше вкъщи и прекарах часове наред, гледайки и повтаряйки всяко едно движение на жената от клипа ... беше ужасно, хахаха! Часове наред неуспешни опити. Жената говореше на английски с някакви понятия ... стараех се да не я слушам, просто гледах и повтарях, без да разбирам каква е логиката и какво, за Бога, брои тази жена ... е накратко - тя (Sharon Ojala) беше моят 1-ви учител и втори вдъхновител, което ме накара в момента, в който разбрах логиката да поискам и аз да бъда вдъхновител и учител на някого - така се роди моят блог!
Ето го и въпросното клипче, току виж вдъхнови някого:
Monday, 29 July 2013
My New Project - Handmade Bracelets
Hello everyone!
I'm happy to present you my new Handmade Factory Project - My first original collection of handmade charm/leather bracelets. My ebay store is coming soon! :)
I'm happy to present you my new Handmade Factory Project - My first original collection of handmade charm/leather bracelets. My ebay store is coming soon! :)
Friday, 15 February 2013
Monday, 12 November 2012
Paris, Je t'aime!
crochet human doll,
south park amigurumi
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Hi, guys & welcome to those of you who are here for the first time! :)
Excuse my absence these days, but I'm busy with other stuff & don't have enough time to crochet lately. You'll make me very happy if you post photos of your creations made from my patterns on my Facebook wall! :))))
Friday, 4 May 2012
Denim cell cozy crochet pattern
sc: single crochet
inc: 2 sc in one stitch
dec: 1 sc over two stitches through the back loops
I used a light blue and a white yarn together to make that denim effect.
inc: 2 sc in one stitch
dec: 1 sc over two stitches through the back loops
I used a light blue and a white yarn together to make that denim effect.
Make a chain with 9 st (You can also measure the width of your sell & make a chain as long as the width):
R1: sc in second ch from hook and inc around (30) *don't worry if it's a little curly when you finish the 1st round!
R2 - 18: sc around in the back loops only (30)
R18-21: Two st before you reach the right
edge of your cell phone case (14th st) chain 21 and connect that chain to the 20th
st (counted from that 14th st you started a chain from) (30)
R22-26: continue sc around in a back loops only. When you reach the edge of round 25 *dec,
sc until you reach the other edge then dec*. Repeat ** once again. Then finish it off leaving a long tail. Turn the top of your cell
backwards and sc trough both layers until you close the gap. Finish it off.
Now cut off a peace of purple felt in a heart shape and stick it with a glue or sew it to the top of the sell cozy!
For the other cell cozy (in the right picture) is the same until you reach R21:
You're done! Easy, isn't it?! :)
For the other cell cozy (in the right picture) is the same until you reach R21:
Make a chain with 9 st
R1: sc in second ch from hook and inc around (30)
R2 - 25: sc around in the back loops only (30)
R26: sc around in back loops until you reach the middle of the back side of your cell cozy. Then make a chain as long as you want your loop to be. Then sc in the next st you start the chain from and sc around until you reach the start point of your chain again. Then finish it off & hide the tail.
Take a blue button and sew it in the middle of the front side of the cozy in a height you want it to be.
R26: sc around in back loops until you reach the middle of the back side of your cell cozy. Then make a chain as long as you want your loop to be. Then sc in the next st you start the chain from and sc around until you reach the start point of your chain again. Then finish it off & hide the tail.
Take a blue button and sew it in the middle of the front side of the cozy in a height you want it to be.
You're done! Easy, isn't it?! :)
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Kenzie's Lemur crochet pattern
This pattern is a request from one of my Facebook friends. I saw that cutie on a picture of Maggie's creations who doesn't write any patterns. So, I decided to write you a pattern (hoping that Maggie doesn't mind!). Enjoy!
R1: Make a magic ring with 6 st (6)
R2: inc around (12)
R3: *1sc, inc* around (18)
R4: *2 sc, inc* around (24)
R5: *3 sc, inc* around (30)
R6: *4 sc, inc* around (36)
R7: *5 sc, inc* around (42)
R4: *2 sc, inc* around (24)
R5: *3 sc, inc* around (30)
R6: *4 sc, inc* around (36)
R7: *5 sc, inc* around (42)
R8-10: sc around (42)
R11: *5 sc, dec* around (36)
R11: *5 sc, dec* around (36)
R12: *4 sc, dec* around (24)
R13: *3 sc, dec* around (18)
R14: *2 sc, dec* around (12)
Stuff the head firmly with polyfilR 15: dec around until you close the gap. Finish it off leaving a long tail
R1: Make a magic ring with 6 st (6)
R2: inc around (12)
R3: *1sc, inc* around (18)
R4: *2 sc, inc* around (24)
R4: *2 sc, inc* around (24)
R5-8: sc around (24)
R9: *sc, dec* (18)
Stuff the body with polyfil
R9: dec until you close the gap.
Hands and legs (make 4):
With a grey yarn
R1: Make a magic ring with 6 st (6)
R2-3: sc around (6)
Switch the colour to white
R4-7: sc around (6)
Finish it off, leaving a long tail and sew it to the body.
Ears (make two):
With a grey yarn
Make a magic ring with 5 st and sew it to the head.
With a grey yarn
R1: Make a magic ring with 6 st (6)
R2: inc around (12)
R3-6: sc around (12)
Switch the colour to purple
R7-8: sc around (12)
Switch to grey
R9-10: sc around (12)
Switch to purple
R11: dec once, then sc around (11)
*Switch to grey
R12: sc around (11)
Switch to purple
R13: sc around (11)*
R14-15: repeat **
Switch to grey
R16-20: sc around (11)
Stuff the tail and sew it to the body
Take a grey and a purple cloth. Cut off two purple circle pieces and one grey (you can see the form from the picture). Then you can sew them to the face or stick it with a glue, it's your choice. Then put the eyes on the top of the purple circles.
With grey yarn
R1: Make a magic ring with 6 st (6)
R2: dc around (6)
Finish it off and make a nose and a mouth with a black yarn. Then sew it to the grey piece of cloth.
That's it! Now you can make it a key holder or a bag charm with that pattern
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Some cell cozies crochet patterns coming soon!
Hi, guys, here's some new cute cell phone cozies I want to show you! :)What do you think?Sunday, 22 April 2012
Lenore the Cute Little Dead girl Crochet Pattern.
L'ill Ballerina.
sc: single crochet
inc: 2 sc in one stitch (just in the dress pattern: inc is 3 sc in one st)
dec: 1 sc over two stitches through the front loops only (this is called invisible decrease)
inc: 2 sc in one stitch (just in the dress pattern: inc is 3 sc in one st)
dec: 1 sc over two stitches through the front loops only (this is called invisible decrease)
With white yarn.
R1: Make a magic ring with 6 st (6)
R2: inc around (12)
R3: *1sc, inc* around (18)
R4: *2 sc, inc* around (24)
R5: *3 sc, inc* around (30)
R6: *4 sc, inc* around (36)
R7: *5 sc, inc* around (42)
R4: *2 sc, inc* around (24)
R5: *3 sc, inc* around (30)
R6: *4 sc, inc* around (36)
R7: *5 sc, inc* around (42)
R8: *6 sc, inc* around (48)
R: 9-12 sc around (48)
R13: *6 sc, dec* around (42)
R: 9-12 sc around (48)
R13: *6 sc, dec* around (42)
R14: *5 sc, dec* around (36)
R15: *4 sc, dec* around (24)
R16: *3 sc, dec* around (18)
R17: *2 sc, dec* around (12)
Until you have 7 st
R1: sc around (7)
R2: inc around (14)
Stuff the the neck and head firmly once again!
R1-2: sc around (14)
R3: *5sc, inc* around (20)
R4-7: sc around (20)
R9: inc around (40)
R10: *5sc, inc(3 sc in one st)* around
R11: *6sc, inc* around
Switch the colour (white)
R12: *7sc, inc* around
Finish it off and hide the tail
Closing the gap of the dress:
You can make it with white or pink colour. It's your choice. I made it with white yarn
R1: sc around in back loops only (20)
Cut two round pieces of white cloth and sew them to the head with black yarn.
Make nose and mouth with the same yarn you use for the eyes!
Hands(make two):
R1: Make a magic ring with 6st (6)
R2-10: sc around (6)
R11: inc around (12)
R12: sc around (12)
Put a wire in the hands if you want it to be flexible
R13: *1sc, dec* around (6)
R14: dec around
Finish it off & sew to the body
Legs (make two):
Make a magic ring with 4 st
R1: inc around (8)
R1: inc around (8)
R2-15: sc around (8)
R16: inc 5 times then ch 1 and turn, sc around (13)
Finish it off & put a wire if you want
Foot / shoes(make two):
Make a magic ring with 6 st
R1: inc around (12)
R2-3: sc around (12)
Then chain one and turn. Sc 4, then ch1 and turn again make 2 dec in both loops. Then ch 6 pull the yarn trough the middle stitch of the front side of the shoes and ch 6. The pool the yarn trough the back side leaving a long tail. Sew to the leg!
Then sew the hair on top to make Lenore's haircut:
The skull hairpins:
Take grey yarn. Make a magic ring with 6 st. Make 1ch, turn & make 2 sc. Finish it off (leaving a long tail) and make an eyes and teeth with black yarn. Sew to the head.
The crown:
With pink yarn chain 12. Sc in the second st of the chain. Sc in the next 4 then *ch 2 and sc in the same st*. Repeat ** 2 more times. Then sc in the next 4. Ch 1 and turn sc 1, then *ch 4 and sc in the second st. Sc 3 and sc 1*. Repeat **. For the middle of the crown ch 5, scin the second, sc 4 and sc 1 more time. Then repeat ** two more times sc 1 and finish it off.
R16: inc 5 times then ch 1 and turn, sc around (13)
Finish it off & put a wire if you want
Foot / shoes(make two):
Make a magic ring with 6 st
R1: inc around (12)
R2-3: sc around (12)
Then chain one and turn. Sc 4, then ch1 and turn again make 2 dec in both loops. Then ch 6 pull the yarn trough the middle stitch of the front side of the shoes and ch 6. The pool the yarn trough the back side leaving a long tail. Sew to the leg!
The hair (the pictures are from my other pattern here)
Chose a color and muffle the yarn around your fingers
Cut at the bottom:
Now you have the length (you can make it longer if you want and then make a haircut :)):
Start pulling the yarn trough the hole as pictured:
Leave a loop and pull the yarn trough it so you can attach it to the head:
Then sew the hair on top to make Lenore's haircut:
The skull hairpins:
Take grey yarn. Make a magic ring with 6 st. Make 1ch, turn & make 2 sc. Finish it off (leaving a long tail) and make an eyes and teeth with black yarn. Sew to the head.
The crown:
With pink yarn chain 12. Sc in the second st of the chain. Sc in the next 4 then *ch 2 and sc in the same st*. Repeat ** 2 more times. Then sc in the next 4. Ch 1 and turn sc 1, then *ch 4 and sc in the second st. Sc 3 and sc 1*. Repeat **. For the middle of the crown ch 5, scin the second, sc 4 and sc 1 more time. Then repeat ** two more times sc 1 and finish it off.
amigurumi pattern,
ballerina doll,
crochet doll,
crochet human doll,
crochet pattern,
crochet toy,
free patterns,
human doll,
Lenore the cute little dead girl,
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Lenore says 'hi'
Here is a preview of my next free pattern: 'Lenore a cute little dead girl. Lil ballerina'. Stay tuned! ;)
Very cool website!
Hi, guys, today I saw a website about amigurumi which is too cool not to be mentioned! There are some free patterns and new tehniques. Here it is: karabouts.typepad.com Enjoy!Friday, 20 April 2012
Which is your favourite character you want to see as an amigurumi doll?
Hello, people, I want to make a little investigation here. :) I'm asking you 'which is your favourite character you want to see as an amigurumi doll?' If there are enough answers I may write a pattern for the most requested character! So let's the answers begin! Good luck! :)))
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